Source code for prefoil.sampling

import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize

# for linear use linspace

[docs] def cosine(start, end, n, m=np.pi): r""" Sampling function based on cosine spacing. Check :meth:`prefoil.sampling.conical()` for more implementation information. Parameters ---------- start : float the airfoil chord location to start sampling at end : float the airfoil chord location to stop sampling at n : int the number of points to sample m : float the maximum angle used for sampling the point distribution, starting from zero. This implicitly defines the "frequency" of the refinement, e.g. :math:`m=\pi` refinement at LE and TE, :math:`m=2\pi` refinement at LE, TE, and mid-chord, etc Returns ------- s : Ndarray [N] The parametric spline locations that define the sampling """ s = conical(start, end, n, m, coeff=1) return s
[docs] def conical(start, end, n, m=np.pi, coeff=1, bad_edge=False): r""" Generalized sampling function that extends from linear to more-than-cosine point distribution. The user selects the chord intervals over which this function is defined, the number of sampling points, and the "frequency" of the distribution. At a high level, this function translates a linear distribution of angles into a non-linear distribution of sampling points using a composite trigonometric function. The periodicity of the sampling refinement is defined by the angle sampling range ``m``. The cosine function turns a set of equally-spaced angles into a set of ``x`` coordinates denser at :math:`n\pi` (with n : int). The default :math:`m=\pi` thus means that sampled points will accumulate at the leading and trailing edge. If you double this frequency with :math:`m=2\pi`, then there will be an additional sampling concentration at mid chord, with :math:`m=3\pi`` there will be 2 additional concentrations, and so on. The user can also use a non-integer multiplier to have non-equally spaced refined areas - e.g. with :math:`m = \pi/2` the sampling will be coarse at the LE and refined at the TE. A more-than-cosine distribution exacerbates the non-linearity introduced by the cosine. The ``coeff`` parameter, ``b`` for conciseness in the code, defines the "strength" of the distortion: - :math:`b = 0`: linear distribution - :math:`b = 1`: cosine distribution - :math:`b > 1`: more-than-cosine distribution, meaning that the points are The overall function is composed of two sub-functions, continuous at :math:`b = 1 \rightarrow s = \cos(x)`. For :math:`b < 1`, the following function is used: .. math:: s = \left(\frac{\cos(x) + 1}{2} - \frac{x}{\pi}\right)b + \frac{x}{\pi} While for coeff >=1: .. math:: s = \frac{1}{2}\left(1 + \frac{\cos(x)}{\sqrt{\cos(x) ^ 2 + \sin(x) ^ 2 / b ^ 2}}\right) For more clarity, the user can plot these functions and see how the first one goes from linear to cosine as b approaches 1, and the second goes from cosine to a discontinuous (flipped) Heaviside function for :math:`b \rightarrow \infty`. Note that the cosine/conical functions are normalized and shifted to fit into the user-prescribed sampling interval. Parameters ---------- start : float the airfoil chord location to start sampling at end : float the airfoil chord location to stop sampling at n : int the number of points to sample m : float the maximum angle used for sampling the point distribution, starting from zero. This implicitly defines the "frequency" of the refinement, e.g. m=pi refinement at LE and TE, :math:`m=2\pi` refinement at LE, TE, and mid-chord, etc bad_edge : bool This is some kind of sneaky hack used to avoid bad meshes. If true, the second and second to last points of the ndarray are removed from the sampling vector. This is necessary to avoid bad mesh elements at small leading and trailing edges. Such problem often occurs for high N and high b. As a rule of thumb, the size of the smallest element (considering a normalized airfoil of size 1m) should always be > 1e-4 for pyHyp to extrude the mesh correctly. Returns ------- s : Ndarray [N] The parametric spline locations that define the sampling """ b = coeff if bad_edge is True: x = np.linspace(m, 0, n + 2) x = np.delete(np.delete(x, 1), -2) else: x = np.linspace(m, 0, n) if b >= 1: s = (1 + 1 / np.sqrt(np.cos(x) ** 2 + np.sin(x) ** 2 / b**2) * np.cos(x)) * 0.5 else: cos = np.cos(x) s = ((cos + 1) / 2 - x[::-1] / np.pi) * b + x[::-1] / np.pi return s * (end - start) + start
[docs] def polynomial(start, end, n, m=np.pi, order=5): r""" similar to cosine spacing but instead of a unit circle, a function of the form :math:`1 - x^{\mathrm{order}}` is used. This does a better job on not overly clustering points at the edges. .. code-block:: text ---------------|--------------- -/ -/ | \- \- order 4 -/ -/ | \- \- -/ -/ | \- \- -/ -/ | \- \- | -/ | \- | | -/ | order 1 \- | | -/ | \- | | -/ | \- | | -/ | \- | | -/ | \- | |/ | \| ------------------------------------------------ Parameters ---------- start : float parametric location of the sampling start point end : float parametric location of the sampling end point n : int number of points to sample m : float the maximum angle for the sampling process order : float the order of polynomial from which to sample Returns ------- s : Ndarray [N] The parametric spline locations that define the sampling """ def poly(x, angle): return np.abs(x) ** order + np.tan(angle) * x - 1 angles = np.linspace(m, 0, n) s = np.array([]) for ang in angles: s = np.append(s, optimize.fsolve(lambda x: poly(x, ang), np.cos(ang))[0]) return (s / 2 + 0.5) * (end - start) + start
[docs] def bigeometric(start, end, n, a1=0.001, b1=0.001, ra=1.1, rb=1.1): r""" This spacing function will create a distribution with a geometric sequence from both sides. It will try to find the optimal number of nodes to allocate to each sequence such that the middle region of constant spacings matches with the final spacing from each sequence. The default settings work well for :math:`n\sim\mathcal{O}(100)` (200 on entire airfoil). .. code-block:: text a1 deltac b1 | <-----> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | <-- na=3 --><--------------- nc=n-2-na-nb -----------><--- nb=4 ---> Parameters ---------- start : float Parametric location of start of distribution (between 0 and 1). end : float Parametric location of end of distribution (between 0 and 1). n : int Number of nodes needed in distribution (including start and end). a1 : float Initial spacing from the start. b1 : float Initial spacing from the end. ra : float Geometric ratio from the start. rb : float Geometric ratio from the end. Returns ------- s : Ndarray [N] The parametric spline locations that define the sampling """ s = np.zeros(n) s[n - 1] = 1.0 def findSpacing(na): a_na = a1 * ra**na nb = np.log(a_na / b1) / np.log(rb) nb = np.round(nb) da = a1 * (1 - ra**na) / (1 - ra) db = b1 * (1 - rb**nb) / (1 - rb) s_na = da s_nb = 1 - db dc = s_nb - s_na nc = n - (2 + na + nb) deltac = dc / (nc + 1) score = deltac / a_na - 1 return score # Check to make sure spacing is not too large dc = 1.0 - a1 - b1 nc = n - 4 deltac = dc / (nc - 1) if deltac < a1 or deltac < b1: raise ValueError("Too many nodes. Decrease initial spacing.") # Find best spacing to get smooth distribution left = int(np.round(n * 0.01)) right = int(n * 0.49) checkleft = findSpacing(left) checkright = findSpacing(right) if checkleft < 0 and checkright < 0: print(checkleft, checkright) raise ValueError("Try decreasing spacings") elif checkleft > 0 > checkright: na = optimize.bisect(findSpacing, left, right, xtol=1e-4, maxiter=100, disp=False) elif checkleft > 0 and checkright > 0: x0 = np.array([float(left)]) opt = optimize.minimize( findSpacing, x0, method="tnc", bounds=[(left, right)], tol=1e-2, options={"maxiter": 1000} ) na = opt.x # Compute final distribution na = int(np.round(na)) a_na = a1 * ra**na nb = np.log(a_na / b1) / np.log(rb) nb = int(np.round(nb)) da = a1 * (1 - ra**na) / (1 - ra) db = b1 * (1 - rb**nb) / (1 - rb) s_na = da s_nb = 1 - db dc = s_nb - s_na nc = n - (2 + na + nb) deltac = dc / (nc + 1) for i in range(1, n - 1): if i <= na: s[i] = s[i - 1] + a1 * ra ** (i - 1) elif i <= na + nc: s[i] = s[i - 1] + deltac else: j = n - i - 1 s[i] = 1 - b1 * (1 - rb**j) / (1 - rb) s = s * (end - start) + start return s
[docs] def tanh_distribution(start, end, n, s0=None, s1=None): """ Hyperbolic tangent distribution based on: (Retrieved May 9, 2024) The original paper is: Marcel Vinokur. "On One-Dimensional Stretching Functions for Finite-Difference Calculations." Journal of Computational and Physics (1983) Parameters ---------- start : float The location to start sampling at end : float The location to stop sampling at n : int The number of points to sample s0 : float The desired spacing at the start location s1 : float The desired spacing at the end location Returns ------- dist : Ndarray [N] The parametric coordinates that define the distribution """ if s0 is None or s1 is None: raise TypeError("s0 and s1 must be defined.") A = np.sqrt(s1 / s0) B = 1 / np.sqrt(s1 * s0) def func(delta): return B - np.sinh(delta) / delta delta = optimize.fsolve(func, 100) residual = B - np.sinh(delta) / delta if residual > 1e-4: raise ValueError("fsolve failed to converge.") xi = np.linspace(0, 1, n) u = 1 / 2 + np.tanh(delta * (xi - 1 / 2)) / (2 * np.tanh(delta / 2)) dist = u / (A + (1 - A) * u) * (end - start) + start return dist
[docs] def joinedSpacing(n, spacingFunc=polynomial, func_args=None, s_LE=0.5): """ Function that returns two point distributions joined at ``s_LE``. If it is desired to specify different spacing functions for the top and the bottom, the user can provide a list for the ``spacingFunc`` and ``func_args``. .. code-block::text s1 s2 || | | | | | | | | | |||| | | | | | | | | | || /\ s_LE Note that one point is added when sampling due to the removal of "double" elements when returning the point array Parameters ---------- n : int the number of points to sample spacingFunc : function a function that returns the sampling spacing func_args : dict options to pass into the spacingFunc s_LE : float parametric location of the leading edge Returns ------- s : Ndarray [N] The parametric spline locations that define the sampling """ if func_args is None: func_args = {} if callable(spacingFunc): spacingFunc = [spacingFunc] * 2 if isinstance(func_args, dict): func_args = [func_args] * 2 s1 = spacingFunc[0](0.0, s_LE, int(n * s_LE) + 1, **func_args[0]) s2 = spacingFunc[1](s_LE, 1.0, int(n - n * s_LE) + 1, **func_args[1]) # combine the two distributions s = np.append(s1[:], s2[1:]) return s