Source code for prefoil.airfoil


..    airfoil

    Contains a class for creating, modifying and exporting airfoils.


import numpy as np
from pyspline import Curve
from scipy.optimize import brentq, newton, minimize
from . import sampling
from .utils.geom_ops import _translateCoords, _rotateCoords, _scaleCoords, _getClosestY
from .utils.io_utils import _writeDat, _writePlot3D, _writeFFD, Error

EPS = np.finfo(np.float64).eps
ZEROS_2 = np.zeros(2)

[docs] class Airfoil: """ A class for manipulating airfoil geometry. Create an instance of an airfoil. There are two ways of instantiating this object: by passing in a set of points, or by reading in a coordinate file. The points must satisfy the following requirements: - Ordered such that they form a continuous airfoil surface - First and last points correspond to trailing edge - If the two points coincide, the airfoil will be considered sharp/round - Otherwise, a blunt (open) TE will be assumed It is not necessary for the points to be in a counter-clockwise ordering. If they are not ordered counter-clockwise, the order will be reversed so that all functions can be written to expect the spline to begin at the upper surface of the trailing edge and end at the lower surface of the trailing edge. See documentation in :class:`pySpline <pyspline:pyspline.pyCurve.Curve>` for information on the spline representation Parameters ---------- coords : ndarray[N,3] Full array of airfoil coordinates spline_order : {4, 2, 3} Order of the spline. :math:`n` order implies :math:`C^{n-2}` continuity normalize : bool True to normalize the chord of the airfoil, set to zero angle of attack, and move the leading edge to the origin nCtl : int If this is set to an integer the underlying airfoil spline will be created using least mean squares (LMS) instead of interpolation. The number of control points used in the LMS will be equal to nCtl. """ def __init__(self, coords, spline_order=4, normalize=False, nCtl=None): self.spline_order = spline_order self.sampled_pts = None self.closedCurve = None self.camber = None self.british_thickness = None self.american_thickness = None self.nCtl = nCtl # Initialize geometric information self.recompute(coords) if normalize: self.normalizeAirfoil()
[docs] def recompute(self, coords): """ Recomputes the underlying spline and relevant parameters from the given set of coordinates. Parameters ---------- coords : Ndarray [N,2] The coordinate pairs to compute the airfoil spline from """ if self.nCtl: self.spline = Curve(X=coords, k=self.spline_order, nCtl=self.nCtl) else: self.spline = Curve(X=coords, k=self.spline_order) self.reorder() self.TE = self.getTE() self.LE, self.s_LE = self.getLE() self.chord = self.getChord() self.twist = self.getTwist() self.closedCurve = (coords[0, :] == coords[-1, :]).all() self.sampled_pts = None camber_pts = self.getCDistribution(coords.size) self.camber = Curve(X=camber_pts, k=3) self.british_thickness = Curve(X=self.getThickness(coords.size, "british"), k=3) self.american_thickness = Curve(X=self.getThickness(coords.size, "american"), k=3)
[docs] def reorder(self): """ This function orients the points counterclockwise and sets the start point to the TE """ # Check to make sure spline ends at TE (For now assume this is True) # Make sure oriented in counter-clockwise direction. coords = self.spline.X N = coords.shape[0] orientation = 0 for i in range(1, N - 1): v = coords[i + 1] - coords[i] r = coords[i + 1] - coords[i - 1] # skip duplicate points if np.linalg.norm(r) < EPS: continue s = (coords[i, 0] * r[0] + coords[i, 1] * r[1]) / np.linalg.norm(r) n = coords[i] - r * s if np.linalg.norm(n) > EPS: n = n / np.linalg.norm(n) orientation += n[0] * v[1] - n[1] * v[0] if orientation < 0: # Flipping orientation to counter-clockwise self.recompute(self.spline.X[::-1, :])
## Geometry Information
[docs] def getCamber(self): """ Calculates the camber spline defined by the airfoil Returns ------- camber : pySpline curve object The spline that defines the camberline from s = 0 at the leading edge to s = 1 at the trailing edge. """ return self.camber
[docs] def getTE(self): """ Calculates the trailing edge point on the spline Returns ------- TE : 2darry [2] The coordinate of the trailing edge of the airfoil """ TE = (self.spline.getValue(0) + self.spline.getValue(1)) / 2 return TE
[docs] def getLE(self): r""" Calculates the leading edge point on the spline, which is defined as the point furthest away from the TE. The spline is assumed to start at the TE. The routine uses a root-finding algorithm to compute the LE. Returns ------- LE : Ndarray [2] the coordinate of the leading edge s_LE : float the parametric position of the leading edge Notes ----- Let the TE be at point :math:`x_0, y_0`, then the Euclidean distance between the TE and any point on the airfoil spline is :math:`\ell(s) = \sqrt{\Delta x^2 + \Delta y^2}`, where :math:`\Delta x = x(s)-x_0` and :math:`\Delta y = y(s)-y_0`. We know near the LE, this quantity is concave. Therefore, to find its maximum, we differentiate and use a root-finding algorithm on its derivative. :math:`\\frac{\mathrm{d}\ell}{\mathrm{d}s} = \\frac{\Delta x\\frac{\mathrm{d}x}{\mathrm{d}s} + \Delta y\\frac{\mathrm{d}y}{\mathrm{d}s}}{\ell}` The function ``dellds`` computes the quantity :math:`\Delta x\\frac{\mathrm{d}x}{\mathrm{d}s} + \Delta y\\frac{\mathrm{d}y}{\mathrm{d}s}` which is then used by ``brentq`` to find its root, with an initial bracket at :math:`[0.3, 0.7]`. """ def dellds(s, spline, TE): pt = spline.getValue(s) deriv = spline.getDerivative(s) dx = pt[0] - TE[0] dy = pt[1] - TE[1] return dx * deriv[0] + dy * deriv[1] s_LE = brentq(dellds, 0.3, 0.7, args=(self.spline, self.TE)) LE = self.spline.getValue(s_LE) return LE, s_LE
[docs] def getTwist(self): """ Calculates the twist of the airfoil using the leading and trailing edge points Returns ------- twist : float The twist in degrees of the airfoil """ chord_vec = self.TE - self.LE twist = np.arctan2(chord_vec[1], chord_vec[0]) * 180 / np.pi # twist = np.arccos([1., 0.]))) * np.sign(normalized_chord[1]) return twist
[docs] def getChord(self): """ Calculates the chord of the airfoil as the distance between the leading and trailing edges Returns ------- chord : float The chord length """ chord = np.linalg.norm(self.TE - self.LE) return chord
[docs] def getSplinePts(self): """ alias for returning the points that make the airfoil spline Returns ------- X : Ndarry [N, 2] the coordinates that define the airfoil spline """ return self.spline.X
[docs] def findPt(self, position, axis=0, s_0=0): """ finds that point at the intersection of the plane defined by the axis and the postion and the airfoil curve Parameters ---------- position : float the position of the plane on the given axis axis : int the axis the plane will intersect 0 for x and 1 for y s_0 : float an initial guess for the parameteric position of the solution Returns ------- X : Ndarray [2] The coordinate at the intersection s_x : float the parametric location of the intersection """ def err(s): return self.spline(s)[axis] - position def err_deriv(s): return self.spline.getDerivative(s)[axis] s_x = newton(err, s_0, fprime=err_deriv) return self.spline.getValue(s_x), s_x
[docs] def getTEThickness(self): """ gets the trailing edge thickness for the airfoil Returns ------- TE_thickness : float the trailing edge thickness """ top = self.spline.getValue(0) bottom = self.spline.getValue(1) TE_thickness = np.sqrt((top[0] - bottom[0]) ** 2 + (top[1] - bottom[1]) ** 2) return TE_thickness
[docs] def getLERadius(self): """ Computes the leading edge radius of the airfoil. Note that this is heavily dependent on the initialization points, as well as the spline order/smoothing. Returns ------- LE_rad : float The leading edge radius """ # if self.s_LE is None: # self.getLE() first = self.spline.getDerivative(self.s_LE) second = self.spline.getSecondDerivative(self.s_LE) LE_rad = np.linalg.norm(first) ** 3 / np.linalg.norm(first[0] * second[1] - first[1] * second[0]) return LE_rad
[docs] def getCDistribution(self, nPts): """ Return the coordinates of the camber points Parameters ---------- nPts : int The number of points to sample Returns ------- camber_pts : Ndarray [nPts, 2] the locations of the camber points of the airfoil starting with the leading edge and ending with the trailing edge """ top_surf, bottom_surf = self.splitAirfoil() # Compute the chord chord_pts = np.vstack([self.LE, self.TE]) chord = Curve(X=chord_pts, k=2) # Sampling along airfoil for camber points lin_sampling = np.linspace(0, 1, nPts - 1, endpoint=False)[1:] chord_pts = chord.getValue(lin_sampling) camber_pts = np.zeros((nPts - 2, 2)) # At each point we are looking for the camber for j in range(chord_pts.shape[0]): # Get the direction normal to the chord line direction = np.array( [np.cos(np.pi / 2 + np.deg2rad(self.twist)), np.sin(np.pi / 2 + np.deg2rad(self.twist))] ) direction = direction / np.linalg.norm(direction) # Draw a ray through the airfoil in the given direction top = chord_pts[j, :] + 1 * self.chord * direction bottom = chord_pts[j, :] - 1 * self.chord * direction temp = np.vstack((top, bottom)) normal = Curve(X=temp, k=2) # Determine the intersection of this ray with both the upper and lower surfaces s_top, _, _ = top_surf.projectCurve(normal, nIter=5000, eps=EPS) s_bottom, _, _ = bottom_surf.projectCurve(normal, nIter=5000, eps=EPS) intersect_top = top_surf.getValue(s_top) intersect_bottom = bottom_surf.getValue(s_bottom) # Compute the camber camber_pts[j, :] = (intersect_top + intersect_bottom) / 2 # Add TE and LE to the camber points. camber_pts = np.vstack((self.LE, camber_pts, self.TE)) return camber_pts
[docs] def getThickness(self, nPts, tType): """ Computes the thicknesses at each x stations spaced linearly along the airfoil Parameters ---------- nPts : int number of points to sample including the edge tType : str either "american" or "british" Returns ------- thickness_pts : Ndarray [nPts, 2] The thickness at each x station """ if tType not in ["american", "british"]: raise Error("Do not recognize thickness type!") top_surf, bottom_surf = self.splitAirfoil() # The parametric spline values along the camber line to find thickness points s = np.linspace(0, 1, nPts - 1, endpoint=False)[1:] thickness_pts = np.zeros((nPts - 2, 2)) # Find thickness at each point for j in range(len(s)): # If british we project a ray normal to chordline if tType == "british": direction = np.array( [np.cos(np.pi / 2 - np.deg2rad(self.twist)), np.sin(np.pi / 2 - np.deg2rad(self.twist))] ) # If american we project a ray normal to camberline else: dx = self.camber.getDerivative(s[j]) direction = np.array([-dx[1], dx[0]]) direction = direction / np.linalg.norm(direction) # create a ray through the upper and lower surfaces from given direction top = self.camber.getValue(s[j]) + 10 * self.chord * direction bottom = self.camber.getValue(s[j]) - 10 * self.chord * direction normal = Curve(X=np.vstack([top, bottom]), k=2) # approximate location of the intersection as a percentage of the chord s_guess = (normal.getValue(0.5)[0] - self.LE[0]) / self.chord # top surf goes from 0 at TE to 1 at LE, so parameter needs to be reversed top_guess = 1 - s_guess bottom_guess = s_guess # Keep guesses within the bounds of the spline if s_guess > 1: top_guess = 0 bottom_guess = 1 elif s_guess < 0: top_guess = 1 bottom_guess = 0 # Find upper and lower intersections s_top, _, _ = top_surf.projectCurve(normal, nIter=100, eps=EPS, s=top_guess, t=0.5) s_bottom, _, _ = bottom_surf.projectCurve(normal, nIter=100, eps=EPS, s=bottom_guess, t=0.5) # Compute the thickness thickness_pts[j, 0] = self.camber.getValue(s[j])[0] if tType == "british": thickness_pts[j, 1] = top_surf.getValue(s_top)[1] - bottom_surf.getValue(s_bottom)[1] else: x_top = top_surf.getValue(s_top) x_bottom = bottom_surf.getValue(s_bottom) thickness_pts[j, 1] = np.linalg.norm(x_top - x_bottom) # Add the trailing and leading edge points when we return return np.vstack([[self.LE[0], 0], thickness_pts, [self.TE[0], self.getTEThickness()]])
[docs] def getTEAngle(self): """ Computes the trailing edge angle of the airfoil. We assume here that the spline goes from top to bottom, and that s=0 and s=1 corresponds to the top and bottom trailing edge points. Whether or not the airfoil is closed is irrelevant. Returns ------- TE_angle : float The angle of the trailing edge in degrees """ top = self.spline.getDerivative(0) top = top / np.linalg.norm(top) bottom = self.spline.getDerivative(1) bottom = bottom / np.linalg.norm(bottom) # print(,bottom)) TE_angle = np.pi - np.arccos(, bottom)) return np.rad2deg(TE_angle)
[docs] def getMaxThickness(self, tType): """ This function returns the maximum relative thickness value. Parameters ---------- tType : str Can be one of 'british' or 'american' Returns ------- x_loc : float The x station containing the maximum thickness max_thickness : float the maximum thickness of the airfoil """ if tType not in ["american", "british"]: raise Error("Do not recognize thickness type!") def american_f(s): return -self.american_thickness.getValue(s)[1] def american_df(s): return -self.american_thickness.getDerivative(s)[1] def british_f(s): return -self.british_thickness.getValue(s)[1] def british_df(s): return -self.british_thickness.getDerivative(s)[1] if tType == "american": opt = minimize(american_f, 0.5, method="SLSQP", jac=american_df, bounds=[(0, 1)]) if not opt.success: raise Error("Could not determine the maximum thickness.") opt_point = self.american_thickness.getValue(opt.x) else: opt = minimize(british_f, 0.5, method="SLSQP", jac=british_df, bounds=[(0, 1)]) if not opt.success: raise Error("Could not determine the maximum thickness.") opt_point = self.british_thickness.getValue(opt.x) return opt_point[0], opt_point[1]
def _findChordProj(self, coord): """ Finds the point on the chordline that defines a line from `coord` to the chordline that is perpendicular to the chordline Parameters ---------- coord : 2darray The point of interest we wish to project onto the chordline. Returns ------- point : 2darray The coordinate that is the perpendicular projection of `coord` onto the chordline """ # vector defines the chord chord = self.LE - self.TE # Parametric position of point on chordline s = (-chord[0] * (self.TE[0] - coord[0]) - chord[1] * (self.TE[1] - coord[1])) / (chord[0] ** 2 + chord[1] ** 2) return self.TE + s * chord def _MaxCamberOptimize(self, maximum): """ Used to compute the most negative and most positive cambers of an airfoil Parameters ---------- maximum : bool If true find most positive, if false find most negative Returns ------- x_loc : float the x location of the maximum camber max_camber : float the maximum camber """ def f(s, factor): # Find the perpindicular project onto the chord line pointInterest = self.camber.getValue(s) chordProj = self._findChordProj(pointInterest) # Determine if distance is +/- with cross product chord = self.LE - self.TE chord /= np.linalg.norm(chord) direction = pointInterest - chordProj direction /= np.linalg.norm(direction) cross = direction[0] * chord[1] - direction[1] * chord[0] return cross * factor * np.linalg.norm(pointInterest - chordProj) if maximum: factor = -1 else: factor = 1 opt = minimize(lambda s: f(s, factor), 0.5, method="SLSQP", bounds=[(0, 1)]) if not opt.success: if maximum: raise Error("Could not determine maximum camber.") raise Error("Could not determine minimum camber.") opt_point = self.camber.getValue(opt.x) opt_int = self._findChordProj(opt_point) # convert to airfoil coordinates x = np.linalg.norm(opt_int - self.LE) / np.linalg.norm(self.LE - self.TE) c = factor * f(opt.x, factor) / np.linalg.norm(self.LE - self.TE) return x, c
[docs] def getMaxCamber(self): """ This function returns the maximum camber value. Returns ------- x_loc : float the x location of the maximum camber max_camber : float the maximum camber of the airfoil """ return self._MaxCamberOptimize(True)
[docs] def getMinCamber(self): """ This function returns the minimum camber value. Returns ------- x_loc : flaot the x location of the maximum ngative camber min_camber : float the maximum negative camber of the airfoil """ return self._MaxCamberOptimize(False)
[docs] def isReflex(self): """ Determines if an airfoil is reflex by checking if the derivative of the camber line at the trailing edge is positive. Returns ------- reflexive : bool True if reflexive """ if self.camber is None: self.getCamber() return self.camber.getDerivative(1)[1] > 0
[docs] def isSymmetric(self, tol=1e-6): """ Checks if an airfoil is symmetric Parameters ---------- tol : float tolerance for camber line to still be consdiered symmetrical Returns ------- symmetric : bool True if the airfoil is symmetric within the given tolerance """ if abs(self.getMinCamber()[1]) < tol and abs(self.getMaxCamber()[1]) < tol: return True return False
# ============================================================================== # Geometry Modification # ==============================================================================
[docs] def rotate(self, angle, origin=ZEROS_2): """ rotates the airfoil about the specified origin Parameters ---------- angle : float the angle to rotate the airfoil in degrees origin : Ndarray [2] the point about which to rotate the airfoil """ new_coords = _rotateCoords(self.spline.X, np.deg2rad(angle), origin) self.recompute(new_coords)
[docs] def derotate(self, origin=ZEROS_2): """ derotates the airfoil about the origin by the twist Parameters ---------- origin : Ndarray [2] the location about which to preform the rotation """ self.rotate(-1.0 * self.twist, origin=origin)
[docs] def scale(self, factor, origin=ZEROS_2): """ Scale the airfoil by factor about the origin Parameters ---------- factor : float the scaling factor origin : Ndarray [2] the coordinate about which to preform the scaling """ new_coords = _scaleCoords(self.spline.X, factor, origin) self.recompute(new_coords)
[docs] def normalizeChord(self, origin=ZEROS_2): """ Set the chord to 1 by scaling the airfoil about the given origin Parameters ---------- origin : Ndarray [2] the point about which to scale the airfoil """ if self.chord != 1: self.scale(1.0 / self.chord, origin=origin)
[docs] def translate(self, delta): """ Translate the airfoil by the vector delta Parameters ---------- delta : Ndarray [2] the vector that defines the translation of the airfoil """ coords = _translateCoords(self.spline.X, delta) self.recompute(coords)
[docs] def center(self): """ Move the airfoil so that the leading edge is at the origin """ if not np.all(self.LE == ZEROS_2): self.translate(-1.0 * self.LE)
[docs] def splitAirfoil(self): """ Splits the airfoil into upper and lower surfaces Returns ------- top : pySpline curve object A spline that defines the upper surface bottom : pySpline curve object A spline that defines the lower surface """ # if self.s_LE is None: # self.getLE() top, bottom = self.spline.splitCurve(self.s_LE) return top, bottom
[docs] def normalizeAirfoil(self, derotate=True, normalize=True, center=True): """ Sets the twist to zero, the chord to one, and the leading edge location to the origin Parameters ---------- derotate : bool True to set twist to zero normalize : bool True to set the chord length to one center : bool True to put the leading edge at the origin """ if derotate or normalize or center: # Order of operation here is important, even though all three operations are linear, because # we rotate about the origin for simplicity. if center: if derotate: self.derotate() if normalize: self.normalizeChord()
[docs] def makeBluntTE(self, xCut=0.98): """ This cuts the upper and lower surfaces to creates a blunt trailing edge perpendicular to the chord line. Parameters ---------- xCut : float the location to cut the blunt TE **as a percentage of the chord** """ # Find global coordinates of cut point xCut = self.LE + xCut * (self.TE - self.LE) # The direction normal to the chordline direction = np.array([np.cos(np.pi / 2 + np.deg2rad(self.twist)), np.sin(np.pi / 2 + np.deg2rad(self.twist))]) direction = direction / np.linalg.norm(direction) # ray to intersect upper and lower surfaces ray = [xCut - 2 * direction * self.getChord(), xCut + 2 * direction * self.getChord()] top_surf, bottom_surf = self.splitAirfoil() normal = Curve(X=ray, k=2) # Get intersections s_top, _, _ = top_surf.projectCurve(normal, nIter=5000, eps=EPS) s_bottom, _, _ = bottom_surf.projectCurve(normal, nIter=5000, eps=EPS) # Get all the coordinates that will not be cut off coords = [top_surf.getValue(s_top)] chord = self.LE - self.TE for x in self.getSplinePts(): # dot product test checks for positive projection onto chord current_direction = x - xCut if chord[0] * current_direction[0] + chord[1] * current_direction[1] > 0: coords.append(np.array(x)) coords.append(np.array(bottom_surf.getValue(s_bottom))) self.recompute(np.array(coords))
[docs] def sharpenTE(self, xCut=0.98): """ this method creates a sharp trailing edge **from a blunt one** by projecting straight lines from the upper and lower surfacs of a blunt trailing edge. Parameters ---------- xCut : float x location **as a percentage of chord** to cut off the current trailing edge if it is not already blunt. """ if xCut >= 1.0 or xCut <= 0: raise Error("xCut must be between 0 and 1.") if self.closedCurve: self.makeBluntTE(xCut) # Value of blunt TE point on upper surface val_u = self.spline.getValue(0) # derivative of blunt TE point of upper surface wrt parametric parameter ds_u = self.spline.getDerivative(0) # slope of blunt TE point of upper surface dx_u = ds_u[1] / ds_u[0] # Value of blunt TE point on lower surface val_l = self.spline.getValue(1) # derivative of blunt TE point of lower surface wrt parameteric parameter ds_l = self.spline.getDerivative(1) # slope of blunt TE point of lower surface dx_l = ds_l[1] / ds_l[0] # make sure that the slope of the lower surface is greater than the upper, ensuring the points will intersect if dx_u == dx_l: raise Error("Slopes at blunt TE are parallel, no intersection point for a sharp TE.") if dx_u > dx_l: raise Error("Slopes at blunt TE indicate an intersection towards the LE of the airfoil.") # calculate the x location of the intersection x = (val_l[1] - val_u[1] - val_l[0] * dx_l + val_u[0] * dx_u) / (dx_u - dx_l) # calculate the y location of the intersection y = val_l[1] + dx_l * (x - val_l[0]) # add intersection points and then recompute the airfoil coords = np.vstack(([x, y], self.spline.X, [x, y])) self.recompute(coords)
[docs] def roundTE(self, xCut=0.98, k=4, nPts=20, dist=0.4): """ this method creates a smooth round trailing edge **from a blunt one** using a spline. If the trailing edge is not already blunt xCut specifies the location of the cut Parameters ---------- xCut : float x location of the cut **as a percentage of the chord**. Will not do anything if the TE is already blunt. k: int (3 or 4) order of the spline used to make the rounded trailing edge of the airfoil. nPts : int Number of trailing edge points to add to the airfoil spline dist : float Arbitrary factor that specifies how long to make the added TE. Larger dist corresponds to longer addition to the end """ if xCut >= 1.0 or xCut <= 0: raise Error("xCut must be between 0 and 1.") if self.closedCurve: self.makeBluntTE(xCut) # unit length for making rounded TE dx = self.getTEThickness() * dist # create the knot vector for the spline t = [0] * k + [0.5] + [1] * k # create the vector of control points for the spline coeff = np.zeros((k + 1, 2)) for ii in [0, -1]: coeff[ii] = self.spline.getValue(np.abs(ii)) dX_ds = self.spline.getDerivative(np.abs(ii)) dy_dx = dX_ds[1] / dX_ds[0] # the indexing here is a bit confusing.ii = 0 -> coeff[1] and ii = -1 -> coef[-2] coeff[3 * ii + 1] = np.array([coeff[ii, 0] + dx * 0.5, coeff[ii, 1] + dy_dx * dx * 0.5]) if k == 4: chord = self.TE - self.LE chord /= np.linalg.norm(chord) coeff[2] = np.array([self.TE[0] + chord[0] * dx, self.TE[1] + chord[1] * dx]) ## make the TE curve te_curve = Curve(t=t, k=k, coef=coeff) # ----- combine the TE curve with the spline curve ----- upper_curve, lower_curve = te_curve.splitCurve(0.5) upper_pts = upper_curve.getValue(np.linspace(1, 0, nPts // 2)) lower_pts = lower_curve.getValue(np.linspace(1, 0, nPts // 2)) coords = np.vstack((upper_pts[:-1], self.spline.X, lower_pts[1:])) # ---- recompute with new TE --- self.recompute(coords)
[docs] def removeTE(self, tol=0.3, xtol=0.9): """ Removes points from the trailing edge of an airfoil, and recomputes the underlying spline. Parameters ---------- tol : float A point is part of the trailing edge if the magnitude of the dot product of the normalized vector of `coord[i+1]-coord[i]` and the normalized vector from the trailing edge to the leading edge is less than this tolerance. This means that decreasing the tolerance will require the orientation of an element to approach being perpendicular to the chord to be consider part of the trailing edge. xtol : float Only checks for trailing edge points if the coodinate is past this fraction of the chord. Returns ------- TE_points : Ndarray [N,2] The points that were flagged as trailing edge points and removed from the airfoil coordinates. """ coords = self.getSplinePts() chord_vec = self.TE - self.LE unit_chord_vec = chord_vec / np.linalg.norm(chord_vec) airfoil_mask = [] TE_mask = [] for ii in range(coords.shape[0] - 1): # loop over each element if coords[ii, 0] >= (self.LE + chord_vec * xtol)[0]: delta = coords[ii + 1] - coords[ii] unit_delta = delta / np.linalg.norm(delta) if np.abs(, unit_delta)) < tol: TE_mask += [ii, ii + 1] else: airfoil_mask += [ii, ii + 1] else: airfoil_mask += [ii, ii + 1] # list(set()) removes the duplicate pts self.recompute(coords[list(set(airfoil_mask))]) return coords[list(set(TE_mask))]
## Sampling
[docs] def getSampledPts(self, nPts, spacingFunc=sampling.polynomial, func_args=None, nTEPts=0, TE_knot=False): """ This function defines the point sampling along the airfoil surface. Parameters ---------- nPts: int Number of points to be sampled spacingFunc: function sampling function object. The methods available in :class:`prefoil.sampling` are a good default example. func_args: dictionary Dictionary of input arguments for the sampling function. nTEPts: float Number of points along the **blunt** trailing edge TE_knot: bool If True, add a duplicate point between the lower airfoil surface and the TE to indicate that a knot is present. If there is a sharp or round trailing edge then this does nothing. Returns ------- coords : Ndarray [N, 2] Coordinates array, anticlockwise, from trailing edge """ s = sampling.joinedSpacing(nPts, spacingFunc=spacingFunc, func_args=func_args, s_LE=self.s_LE) sampled_coords = self.spline.getValue(s) if not self.closedCurve and TE_knot: sampled_coords = np.vstack((sampled_coords, sampled_coords[-1])) if nTEPts and not self.closedCurve: coords_TE = np.zeros((nTEPts + 2, sampled_coords.shape[1])) for idim in range(sampled_coords.shape[1]): val1 = self.spline.getValue(1)[idim] val2 = self.spline.getValue(0)[idim] coords_TE[:, idim] = np.linspace(val1, val2, nTEPts + 2) sampled_coords = np.vstack((sampled_coords, coords_TE[1:-1])) if not self.closedCurve: sampled_coords = np.vstack((sampled_coords, sampled_coords[0])) self.sampled_pts = sampled_coords return sampled_coords
def _buildFFD(self, nffd, fitted, xmargin, ymarginu, ymarginl, xslice, coords): """ The function that actually builds the FFD Box from all of the given parameters Parameters ---------- nffd : int number of FFD points along the chord fitted : bool flag to pick between a fitted FFD (True) and box FFD (False) xmargin : float The closest distance of the FFD box to the tip and aft of the airfoil ymarginu : float When a box ffd is generated this specifies the top of the box's y values as the maximum y value in the airfoil coordinates plus this margin. When a fitted ffd is generated this is the margin between the FFD point at an xslice location and the upper surface of the airfoil at this location ymarginl : float When a box ffd is generated this specifies the bottom of the box's y values as the minimum y value in the airfoil coordinates minus this margin. When a fitted ffd is generated this is the margin between the FFD point at an xslice location and the lower surface of the airfoil at this location xslice : Ndarray [N,2] User specified xslice locations. If this is chosen nffd is ignored coords : Ndarray [N,2] the coordinates to use for defining the airfoil, if the user does not want the original coordinates for the airfoil used. This shouldn't be used unless the user wants fine tuned control over the FFD creation, It should be sufficient to ignore. """ if coords is None: coords = self.getSplinePts() if xslice is None: xslice = np.zeros(nffd) for i in range(nffd): xtemp = i * 1.0 / (nffd - 1.0) xslice[i] = min(coords[:, 0]) - 1.0 * xmargin + (max(coords[:, 0]) + 2.0 * xmargin) * xtemp else: nffd = len(xslice) FFDbox = np.zeros((nffd, 2, 2, 3)) if fitted: ylower = np.zeros(nffd) yupper = np.zeros(nffd) for i in range(nffd): ymargin = ymarginu + (ymarginl - ymarginu) * xslice[i] yu, yl = _getClosestY(coords, xslice[i]) yupper[i] = yu + ymargin ylower[i] = yl - ymargin else: yupper = np.ones(nffd) * (max(coords[:, 1]) + ymarginu) ylower = np.ones(nffd) * (min(coords[:, 1]) - ymarginl) # X FFDbox[:, 0, 0, 0] = xslice[:].copy() FFDbox[:, 1, 0, 0] = xslice[:].copy() # Y # lower FFDbox[:, 0, 0, 1] = ylower[:].copy() # upper FFDbox[:, 1, 0, 1] = yupper[:].copy() # copy FFDbox[:, :, 1, :] = FFDbox[:, :, 0, :].copy() # Z FFDbox[:, :, 0, 2] = 0.0 # Z FFDbox[:, :, 1, 2] = 1.0 return FFDbox ## Output
[docs] def writeCoords(self, filename, coords=None, spline_coords=False, file_format="plot3d"): """ Writes out a set of airfoil coordinates. By default, the most recently sampled coordinates are written out. If there are no recently sampled coordinates and none are passed in this will fail. Parameters ---------- filename : str the filename without extension to write to coords : Ndarray [N,2] the coordinates to write out to a file. If None then the most recent sampled set of points is used. spline_coords : bool If true it will write out the underlying spline coordinates and the value of `coords` will be ignored. Useful if only geometric modifications to coordinates are being preformed. file_format : str the file format to write, can be `plot3d` or `dat` """ if spline_coords is True: coords = self.getSplinePts() if coords is None: if self.sampled_pts is not None: coords = self.sampled_pts else: raise Error("No coordinates to write!") if file_format == "plot3d": _writePlot3D(filename, coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1]) elif file_format == "dat": _writeDat(filename, coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1]) else: raise Error(file_format + " is not a supported output format!")
[docs] def generateFFD( self, nffd, filename, fitted=True, xmargin=0.001, ymarginu=0.02, ymarginl=0.02, xslice=None, coords=None ): """ Generates an FFD from the airfoil and writes it out to file Parameters ---------- nffd : int the number of chordwise points in the FFD filename : str filename to write out, not including the '.xyz' ending fitted : bool flag to pick between a fitted FFD (True) and box FFD (False) xmargin : float The closest distance of the FFD box to the tip and aft of the airfoil ymarginu : float When a box ffd is generated this specifies the top of the box's y values as the maximum y value in the airfoil coordinates plus this margin. When a fitted ffd is generated this is the margin between the FFD point at an xslice location and the upper surface of the airfoil at this location ymarginl : float When a box ffd is generated this specifies the bottom of the box's y values as the minimum y value in the airfoil coordinates minus this margin. When a fitted ffd is generated this is the margin between the FFD point at an xslice location and the lower surface of the airfoil at this location xslice : Ndarray [N,2] User specified xslice locations. If this is chosen nffd is ignored coords : Ndarray [N,2] the coordinates to use for defining the airfoil, if the user does not want the original coordinates for the airfoil used. This shouldn't be used unless the user wants fine tuned control over the FFD creation, It should be sufficient to ignore. """ FFDbox = self._buildFFD(nffd, fitted, xmargin, ymarginu, ymarginl, xslice, coords) _writeFFD(FFDbox, filename)
## Utils # maybe remove and put into a separate location?
[docs] def plot(self, camber=False): """ Plots the airfoil. It tries to plot the most recently sampled set of points, but if none exists, it will plot the original set of coordinates. Parameters ---------- camber : bool True to plot the camber line Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.pyplot.Figure The figure with the plotted airfoil """ try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError as e: raise ImportError("matplotlib is needed for the plotting functionality") from e if self.sampled_pts is None: coords = self.getSplinePts() else: coords = self.sampled_pts fig = plt.figure() # pts = self._getDefaultSampling(npts=1000) plt.plot(coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], "-r") plt.axis("equal") # if self.sampled_X is not None: plt.plot(coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], "o") if camber: camber_pts = self.camber.getValue(np.linspace(0, 1, 200)) plt.plot(camber_pts[:, 0], camber_pts[:, 1], "--g", label="camber") return fig